How can I register my company with BSP?
To register your company with BSP, ensure that you have fulfilled all the criteria for registration. Once you are satisfied that you have met the criteria, please register online via SMART by GEP and attach all required documents as per Vendor Registration Document Checklist.
How long will it take for my company registration to be approved?
It usually takes about 7 days to process your registration from when we receive your complete application to the final assessment stage.
Do I need to pay a registration fee?
There is no application or registration fee with BSP.
My company is currently a sole proprietary. Do I need to re-register if my business registration status has changed?
Vendor need to make changes/updates via Vendor Registration Online System (VORS) and attach the relevant documents.
Can I register my company into several different Product Group and Service Categories at the same time?
Yes. You can register your company into several product group and work categories.
I have previously registered my company in only one Service Category. Since my company has expanded its specialty, can I register for other Service Categories? How do I do that?
Yes. You can register your company into several product group and service categories via SMART by GEP and ensure that you have fulfilled the requirement for the specific product group and service categories.